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This is how I see this political jucnture and the function of our petition:
Right now, the super-delegates are deciding how to vote, and their decision, now or before the Convention, will determine whether Clinton stays in the race or concedes defeat. Perhaps only pressure from the super-delegates can convince Clinton to concede.
Inserting the code below into a blog's HTML will cause an attractive one-click "Concede Now, Hillary!" HTML widget to appear at your blog. E-mail me at for code that you can just paste in, or simply press on the widget below and make the widget appear in your blog or website.Blacks are 20% of Democratic Party voters and it is not possible for Clinton or any Democratic Party candidate to win a presidential election without enthusiastic support from Black voters. So, If we show that Blacks, in addition to voting 90% / 10% against Clinton in the primaries, are also furious at Clinton and will not vote for her in November, then her candidacy becomes inviable. Clinton cannot win without Black votes, and she cannot get Black votes even if she somehow if she steals the nomination from Obama. So, her candidacy is inviable.
Clinton may be in denial about this, because she may think that we will soon forget what she has done in the primaries. Our petition and our blogging is offering Hillary Clinton and the super-delegates some much needed reality-testing about this notion that Blacks will soon forget and vote for Clinton.
Once the super-delegates understand that Blacks are in open revolt against Hillary, they will hopefully see that Obama (1) is ahead in earned delegates, (2) ahead in the popular vote AND (3) has a lock on a constituency without which the Democratic candidate will be dead in the water in November.
We are raising our voices at a critical time and in a crucial way.
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